Mountain Choir

Cima Ambiez Choir

Review of mountain songs with the "Coro Cima d' Ambiez" of San Lorenzo and Dorsino.

The Cima d'Ambiez Choir was founded in 1981 thanks to the enthusiasm of a group of alpine friends from San Lorenzo in Banale and owes its name to the majestic peak that, with its 3073 m., stands out in the Brenta group. stands out imposingly in the Brenta group.

The repertoire ranges from traditional mountain songs to popular songs researched by the local people. These songs narrate the daily life and feelings of the population: love, war, happiness, nostalgia, religiousness, all themes dear to our deep and precious mountain roots.

The first teacher was Father Mario Levri, a Franciscan friar, a well-known teacher but also a valid composer and harmoniser.

Later, in 1987, Maestro Alberto Failoni from Tione took over, and with passion and skill he led the choir to achieve good results.

This valuable work led, in 1998, to the recording of the first C.D. in which fifteen pieces are collected, some well-known and classic, others unpublished, harmonised by Maestro Failoni himself.

In addition to organising and participating in local festivals, the choir has also performed outside the province and abroad.

The choir, chaired by Alfonso Appoloni, is now directed by maestro Carli Manuel.

26 July - 9.15 p.m. palacongressi Andalo

Event organised by

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Viale Del Parco, 3, 38010 Andalo TN, Italia

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