5 reasons for visiting San Lorenzo Dorsino during your holiday

5 reasons for visiting San Lorenzo Dorsino during your holiday
Saturday 9 September 2023

A short distance from Lago di Molveno and submerged in the green of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park there is San Lorenzo Dorsino, a beautiful patchwork settlement consisting of numerous tiny picturesque hamlets. Here are 5 interesting tips to help get to know the area and include it in your itinerary.


#1 It is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Wandering around its cobbled streets it is easy to understand how it won this status! The old country houses are huddled together, connected by porticoes, porchways, and internal courtyards, evoking an ancient heritage that still lives on here. All around you experience the tranquillity of an authentic old Alpine village.


#2 It is a gateway to the Brenta Dolomites

Val Ambiéz is one of the wildest valleys of the Brenta Dolomites. It starts deep and narrow, enclosed between steep rock walls. Above the canyon the valley suddenly opens up into wide Alpine pastures framed by towering dolomite peaks, which today are part of the UNESCO Dolomites World Heritage Site. Among the countless trails, one not to be missed is the hike from the Rifugio Cacciatore up to the Rifugio Agostini.


#3 It has a panoramic viewpoint that could come from a Heidi cartoon

Wander among green meadows full of wild flowers and all the finest mountain herbs, admire a stunning view over Lago di Molveno, and follow an old track that brings back the traditions of the past, the Strada delle Slitte or "Sledge Trail", up to an area called Prada, a perfect panoramic viewpoint for a picnic and holiday snapshots.


#4 It has a perfect lake for fishing and walking

Lago di Nembia is a little natural oasis with surprising emerald green water and offering year round fishing for visitors. This WWF nature reserve might be smaller than the nearby Lago di Molveno, but it provides plenty of surprises of its own. Not to be missed is the Sentiero dei Piccoli Camminatori or "Path for Small Walkers": your children will love following the tracks of the characters narrated in a story along the way!


#5 It is home to a unique salami protected by Slow Food

The ciuìga salami was born in harder times out of poverty. The local families used to raise pigs but they had to sell the prime cuts to pay their expenses. Left with only the remainders, they learned to add white turnip to create this tasty sausage with an unusual pungent flavour.

Nowadays it is protected by Slow Food and the pride of San Lorenzo Dorsino, where it is celebrated every autumn in a special food festival.

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